2024 - Crescendo


District Rank: --

Total District Points: --

All data provided by The Blue Alliance

C# is a small, compact swerve drive robot. It’s primary mechanism is a 4-wheel shooter mounted on a pivot. This mechanism allowed C# to score notes into the Speaker (the primary scoring object on the field) from several places. The Pivot that the Shooter was mounted on also allowed us to intake from the human player station (called the Source) directly, without the need of another mechanism. To intake from the ground, we used a virtual four-bar Intake with rollers made out of a very grippy material.

The robot performed quite well, advancing to the New England District Championship; as well as winning the Engineering Inspiration Award at the NE District Waterbury Event and making it to the final-four in the elimination bracket at the NE District Western New England Univeristy Event.

Highest Scoring Match

Red Alliance Blue Alliance

Thank you to this year's Sponsors

Title Sponsors

Arthur G Russell Company

AGR is our closest sponsor. In 2015, our team stayed at several different locations as we struggled to find somewhere permanent, eventually, we found the Arthur G. Russell Company. AGR allows us to use their loft that overlooks the factory floor. They have supported us in several different ways, such as allowing us to use their machinery on the shop floor and having access to many tools and parts, providing us with financial aid annually, featuring us at their holiday luncheons, and with employee mentors who are willing to help our team grow and learn.
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Platinum Sponsors



Gold Sponsors

Automation Associates, Inc

The Baily Family

Gene Haas Foundation


RBC Bearings


TE Connectivity

Thomaston Savings Bank

Silver Sponsors


Charlie Altemus IV

Delmar Electric

Element 119

Friends and Family of PEACCE

The Hoffman Family

Price Chopper