The Chairman’s team did extremely well in front of the judges. They had an amazing speech and answered all questions correctly and efficiently. The members that participated in the speech group learned a lot about presenting data in a workforce setting. The judges expressed we did an outstanding job during our presentation.
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We have been working very hard this past week in anticipation for our upcoming competition March 9th-10th. Look for our next blog to be published on March 16th, reviewing our competition and planning the for the next competition (March 24-25).
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Tuesday was the last day of build season! Over the past week and the beginning of this week, we have worked very hard on finishing and finalizing the robot. Since the last blog, the robot has had some dramatic changes.
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We are in the midst of our final week of build season, as it ends on Tuesday, February 19th. Through its ups and downs, we have had one of the most eventful build seasons. We are coming out feeling that, in the end, we will have a unique Chairman’s essay and robot to compete with at upcoming competitions.
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Our build season has really been a special one so far as we look forward to our first competition in March. This year’s game is a very interesting one and we and are excited to see the various designs of each team’s robots by the end of the competition season. We appreciate our sponsors for their continuous support and donations which have helped us enter competitions, obtain parts, and learn.
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The mechanical committee has been working on our robot’s lift which was based on last year’s robot’s lift. It is designed using a long chain and connects two maytec “arches,” one being higher up than the other. The chain will extend the lift to approximately eight feet. This is conveyed in the picture below.
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On January 21st, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the team held an open house where we hosted our sponsors as well as AGR employees. We organized the event so that our sponsors could keep up with our activities in real-time and get a closer look at our workplace.
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The team started its second week of build season strong by continuing to prototype. Different members from the team have all had the opportunity to contribute ideas to our main concepts and designs. This past week has been a good chance for everyone, even non-mechanical committee members, to get involved and participate.
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On Saturday, January 5th, Kickoff to the 2019 build season, the team went to Wolcott High School for the 2019, game reveal. It was hosted by Team Max #1071 who we have worked with closely since 2011. The game is called Destination: Deep Space. As expected new tasks were revealed in the game which involve picking up and delivering balls and discs to “rocketships.” The first 15 seconds of the game is called the “Sandstorm” period, teams can choose to have their robots run autonomous as in previous games or try to drive them through onboard vision systems while blinded to the field because they are blinded by the Sandstorm.
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